

When Hugh was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, I had never looked on the nutritional guide of any food we had ever eaten. We were never “dieters” and I honestly did not know what foods had carbohydrates in them and which ones did not. We had always eaten a well balanced diet of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (a great by-product of living in a farming region where almost everyone has some type of garden), and both my children were healthy and well-rounded eaters. I remember the nurse telling me in the hospital the first morning we were there that I would need to order Hugh’s breakfast and that it should be around 45 carbs. It was like she was speaking a different language.

It took some time, but slowly I have figured out easy meals we can do that are still well-balnaced and healthy, while including the amount of carbs Hugh needs. I don’t prepare him anything different from the rest of the family. We all eat the same food, which I think is extremely important to do with children who have Type 1. I also don’t force him to eat – if he isn’t hungry or tries a new food but doesn’t like it, I let it go. I’m not into making kids eat when they don’t want to – I think it leads to problems down the road. The catch is I don’t cook anything else either. If they don’t want to eat what I have prepared, that’s fine, but I will not make a completely different meal after I have cooked one meal. In a case where Hugh has not had enough carbs, I usually add a granola bar or applesauce or peanut butter to the meal so he can feel full and get the right amount of carbs. I won’t tell you meal time is always smooth and effortless (it requires a lot of effort, actually), but it works for us.

Below I have listed 5 days worth of easy meals that I cook for my family. I remember thinking those first few weeks, “Someone please just tell me what to feed him!” I looked all over the internet, but could not find any type of menu for busy moms who had to somehow provide very accurate and healthy meals. I am by no means an experienced chef, but hope that this will at least get you started!

*Please note: these meals are based around 45 carbs, but can be adjusted for your own needs.


Breakfast Meals

Day 1: cinnamon rolls, apple slices, chocolate milk (no-sugar added Nesquick)

Day 2: chocolate chip mini muffins, 1/2 banana, chocolate milk

Day 3: pancakes, 2 strips of bacon, 1/4 cup blueberries, chocolate milk

Day 4: chocolate chip waffles (frozen), 1/2 cup strawberries, cheese cubes, chocolate milk

Day 5: mini donuts, fruit salad, chocolate milk

Lunch Meals

Day 1: chicken nuggets, 1/4 cup mac and cheese, Go-Gurt applesauce

Day 2: roll-ups (tortilla filled with lunchmeat and cheese), Dannon yogurt smoothie, baby carrots

Day 3: ham and cheese Lunchable, Go-Gurt applesauce, baby carrots, grapes

Day 4: pizza (frozen), tortilla chips, guacamole, apple slices

Day 5: hot dog with bun, 1/2 bag (small) chips, fresh bell pepper slices, strawberries

Supper Meals

Day 1: baked chicken, 1/4 cup green beans, noodles (we like angel hair with garlic and herbs), crescent rolls

Day 2: fajitas (steak or chicken), corn on the cob (small), grapes

Day 3: beef tips and gravy with rice, steamed broccoli, dinner rolls

Day 4: lasagna, 1/4 cup green peas, garlic bread

Day 5: Breakfast Supper! waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit salad

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