Happy New Year

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year to all of you – near and far and wherever you are.

You may be the type of person who makes resolutions or goals. You may be the type of person who doesn’t believe in that. You may be the type of person who celebrates a New Year with parties and fireworks, or you may be the type of person who chooses to ring in the New Year with a good book and a soft bed.

However you choose to bring in 2024, though, there is one thing I know for sure. Your year is going to be a good one.

This might be the year you get a new job! Or a new house! This might be the year your precious baby is born or you marry the love of your life. This might be the year THE ONE comes into your life and you are forever changed.

This might be the year you finally run that marathon! Or write that book! This might be the year you travel to a new place, earn a raise, get picked for the team, find your forever dog, or meet your best friend. This year will definitely be the year where good things happen in your life. I can guarantee it.

I know what you are thinking. This year might be the year where not-so-good things happen too. And I guess you’re right. This year might be the year of terrible loss for you, a heartbreak, an unbearable pain. This year might be the year that introduces great sadness into your life or something might happen that scares you more than anything else. I’m sad to say that good years often have bad things in them too. And I am so sorry that these things might happen to you.

But even in these awful things, the good will still be there. You know why? Because the good is in you. The good is in others. The good is in the very air we breath.

With every step you take, every inhale and exhale of your lungs, with every heartbeat, the good is there. It’s woven into your DNA. And it’s even in the birds that sing to you every morning. It’s in the trees dropping their leaves and the turtles sunbathing on logs. It’s in the smiles and the hugs and the laughter. The good is everywhere.

I hope you see that this year. I hope that you hear Goodness calling your name. I hope you know that Good always wins over evil.

If I have learned anything in all the New Years that I have lived, it is this – the more I look for the Good, the more I lean into it, the more I walk hand in hand with Goodness – the more I see it covering all of us. And it will follow us all the days of our lives.

Happy New Year – it’s going to be a good one.

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